rkicolors - Unofficial Themes and Color Palettes for Plots based on the RKI Corporate Designs for R and ggplot2

Dr. Lars E. Kroll


The package Vignette for the package rkicolors is a simple documentation on how to use the package to create ggplot2 plots in line with the corportaty design of the Robert Koch Institut. Note however, that this theme is an unofficial application of the RKI Style and must not be used to fake RKI results.

Vignette Info

Part of the package are two ggplot themes (theme_rki() and theme_rki_void()) as well as two ggplot scales (scale_fill_rki() and scale_color_rki()). The theme includes various color palettes based on the RKI corporate color ported to RGB.

Basic Libraries used for this Vignette

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> Registering fonts with R


Note: This guide assumes that you are behind a corporate firewall with a proxy server. If you are not, you might skip the httr Proxy Configuration.

myproxy <- Sys.getenv("http_proxy")

Basic Usage

sampleplot <- ggplot(iris, aes(Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length, color = Species)) +   geom_point() 

sampleplot +  theme_rki() + scale_color_rki()

Change the colors to a different, RKI based Palette:

sampleplot +  theme_rki() + scale_color_rki("qualitative")

Using the right fonts

Apply the RKI Corporate “ScalaSans” Fonts to the Plot if they are available on the local machine. Note font_import() may take a while, depending on the number of fonts installed on the local machine. As a limitation, only True Type Fonts are acceptable by extrafont.

Check if Scala is available:

# uncomment only on first run
# font_import(prompt = FALSE) 
# loadfonts() 
fonttable() %>% as.data.frame() %>% filter(grepl("Scala", FullName)) %>% select(FamilyName,FullName,Bold,Italic,Symbol)
#>            FamilyName            FullName  Bold Italic Symbol
#> 1        ScalaLF-Bold        ScalaLF-Bold FALSE  FALSE  FALSE
#> 2     ScalaLF-Regular     ScalaLF-Regular FALSE  FALSE  FALSE
#> 3    ScalaSansLF-Bold    ScalaSansLF-Bold FALSE  FALSE  FALSE
#> 4 ScalaSansLF-Regular ScalaSansLF-Regular FALSE  FALSE  FALSE

Apply font to theme:

sampleplot +  
  theme_rki(base_family="ScalaSansLF-Regular", bold_family="ScalaSansLF-Bold", base_size = 10) + 

Color Options

The color schemes below can be applied using scale_fill_rki(COLOR_SCHEME_NAME). If the fill or color variable is not discrete, scale_fill_rki(COLOR_SCHEME_NAME, discrete=FALSE) has to be used.

Working with continous outcomes

To apply the scales to continous outcomes, the parameter discrete=FALSE has to bet used:

ggplot(iris, aes(y=Sepal.Width, x=Sepal.Length,color=Sepal.Width)) +   geom_jitter(size=3) +  guides(color=FALSE)+theme_rki(base_family = "ScalaSansLF-Regular",bold_family = "ScalaSansLF-Bold") + scale_color_rki("bluered",discrete=FALSE) + facet_grid(cols = vars(Species))

Plot Maps

worldmap.df <- map_data("world") %>% filter(region!="Antarctica")
map <- ggplot(data = worldmap.df) + 
  geom_polygon(aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group, fill="All"), color = "white") + 
  coord_fixed() +   guides(fill=FALSE)  + 
  theme_rki(base_family="ScalaSansLF-Regular", bold_family="ScalaSansLF-Bold", base_size = 10) + 

map + theme_rki_void()

Apply theme to every new plot in a Session:

theme_set(theme_rki(base_family="ScalaSansLF-Regular", bold_family="ScalaSansLF-Bold", base_size = 10))
sampleplot + scale_color_rki()